You Are Here To Serve

How can you make a true impact?

The world needs you, it needs all of us. A small act of kindness and service will make a huge impact.

Wanting to serve and give is a natural trait of a human being. It is a sign of a healthy soul and an inspired spirit. Having a positive impact on the world is a blessing, and something to stretch towards for all of us. With all this crazy mind-blowing manipulation going on, all givers and awakened spirits need to step forth. The world needs you, it needs all of us. A small act of kindness and service will make a huge impact. Not only for a person or a family but on the world in general. I believe we all have that longing to make a difference. We want to matter. We want our lives to matter.

I remember the first time someone wrote me and told me that because of me, they were no longer suicidal. Because of what I had told them and shown them, they were now on their way to a happy healthy life. A woman sent me a message saying that she was no longer diabetic and that because of this, she had inspired her sister to help herself too. She was now cancer free.

We are not all meant to work with people on this level, although we can all do something that will impact the masses. By simply living your truth, you are spreading the light. By simply walking your talk, you are leading others. By simply being loving and caring from your heart, you are helping others open their own hearts. Sharing is caring. The world needs more fruit trees, more forests, clean water, and clean air. Maybe you have a passion for the environment and can contribute to a better world by helping heal mother earth. Our children need our attention and our love, to be able to grow up feeling free in a world of chaos and stress-filled living. People are suffering, starving, lost and running from war. Animals are suffering, and just by education yourself, you are raising your awareness and the ability to positively impact a cause that is close to your heart. It will come to you, once you step out of the pleasing mode.

For years I played the phrase in my head: “How can I serve”. It revealed itself to me. It became a natural part of my life. When we contribute, we fill our cups. We are charged with love and gratitude.

Expect nothing, give what you can.

Make friends with some new thoughts of abundance. Being able to give comes from the knowledge that there is always enough. You are always enough, and you have more then you need. More love, more good intentions, smiles, encouraging words, enthusiastic engagement, and authentic interest. Ask yourself these questions every day;

How can I serve?

How can I add value?

How can I make a positive impact?

How can I be my very best while being of service?

What is my true calling?

Be quiet and listen for the answer. It might come right away, or show itself at the right time, as your life changes for the better. It will come from your passion and love for life, never from fear or ego-based thinking. There is no right or wrong way to contribute. While it might seem little or insignificant to you, it can be life changing to another. You don’t have to be perfect to be a mentor or a leader. You just have to be genuine. I started guiding others long before I was fully educated or healed. People needed my knowledge. They needed someone who was more experienced than they were. There are always people and situations that need what you can give. Chop wood, carry water, smile, show up and power up yourself. Be open and willing. It is a blessing.

By being of service you are also utilizing your gifts. They are given to us, as a service to the world. So, by using them you are blessing others, and by doing so you are blessing yourself. It will transform your whole life to let your talents flow. A musician does the world service with his or her music. Touching souls and raising the vibration. When you express yourself though enthusiasm you are inspiring others to be of service as well. The ripple effect is unstoppable. Just by being happy, you are serving. So you see, in time, taking care of you, is of great service to humanity. So simple, so profound.

Create through the clarity of your own vibration. Create your desires and let the manifestations that come from it be the service to this world. Being of service does not mean you are going to fill a void of lack. Not at all. It simply means being in your own flow, so that the whole world will benefit. You are unique and the world needs you. Not as a pleaser, but as a contributor of your true self and passion. You are unique, and that in itself is enough. Be true, be real, be loving and be present. You are a gift. Give it!

A life lived with passion willingness to be of service will never let you down. The power of creation will manifest a tenfold return. Not as a means of thank you, but as a natural part of the flow of creation. Let your life expand beyond the daily routines of work and obligation. Let there be room to give back, and to receive. You might feel drawn to donate to a good cause, volunteer at a soup kitchen, an animal shelter or a crises center.

A neighbor might need a strong hand. You might feel drawn to charity work in your community or to spend your life traveling the world sharing a message of hope and inspiration. It does not matter. By walking your walk and your own talk, you are always enough.  Leave your heart open to new ideas.

Be inviting and watch how life unfolds at a new level.

All you have to do is live.

Get on board and change your entire life. Read my books, become a member, schedule a coaching session with me, attend my online course, do my Processes for amazing health, I mean, there are so many options. So many ways to GET STARTED!

The only thing that you need to get going is an open mind and the willingness to change.

Hilde Larsen
Hilde Larsen
HILDE Larsen, known as the one who Inspires, is the owner and founder of Inspired by Hilde. She is a certified Health and Success Coach, a Raw Food Teacher, an Author and a Certified Detox Specialist. She is an Inspirational keynote speaker, a Blogger, and has her own YouTube channel. She is the author of three published books: From HELL to Inspired, Know The Truth and Get Healthy and No More Bullshit. She also creates online video programs and has her own membership site Inspired Members. Born and raised in Stavanger, Norway, she and her husband of 29 years have a second home in Florida, USA. She is a proud mother and grandmother, and a tree hugger at heart. Called by nature and spirit, she is inspiring many to take back their power. She is highly intuitive and has a strong connection to Mother Earth and the spiritual world. Her glowing enthusiasm for health and vitality has the leading role in her work.

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