Why We Failed in Afghanistan

“IN GOD WE TRUST” is printed on the back of every US dollar bill.

The US Constitution, for the most part, was written by men of faith. American politicians and many citizens forgot what made America a great nation. During World War ll, Americans who fought and died for freedom were called the “Greatest Generation.” They had faith in each other and in God to protect America. They fought against ruthless dictators including Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo Hideki who wanted to rule the world. Americans worked together and won World War ll against Germany and Japan in only four years.

Why didn’t American leaders learn the national lesson?

Americans were humiliated after losing the war in Vietnam which cost 58,000 American lives and cost billions. Vets came home, angry and defeated. The Afghanistan War lasted twenty years and we lost thousands of American and Afghan lives which cost $2 trillion dollars. The Taliban terrorists regained total control within eleven DAYS. American politicians assumed money, training, great facilities, equipment, and “Nation Building” would empower the Afghan people.

What went wrong?

American politicians don’t understand or discuss spiritual warfare! Now the Afghan people will be forced to return to religious bondage. Yes, education is important but when a large population lacks inner power of who they can become, they feel hopeless and their struggle will be difficult. Every human being has the inner desire to be free but American leaders failed to understand that we were engaged in spiritual warfare, a war between good and evil. You can’t fight evil unless you offer a different mindset to the people. Terrorists use “religion” to control their citizens and now evil men have a bigger stage, American weapons, and know how to use technology.

Are Americans losing their grip on peace and freedom?

American politicians are fighting each other to gain political power and control. They fail to discuss inner-city bondage which is also a mindset. Many Americans don’t feel safe in their homes, neighborhoods, and cities. Families no longer let children play outside alone. Youth are growing up without a conscience as they witness gang wars, gun violence, drug abuse, and the destruction of property. Young people find a false sense of power through bullying, drugs, crime, gangs, violence, and sex trafficking at a horrendous cost to families and taxpayers.

Defunding and demoralizing police before we empower Americans will continue to pull us into a downhill slide into hell. Today’s leaders are corrupted by “free” money, exhibit self-serving leadership, and make decisions based on their own interests. We are not well served by a media that fails to investigate and tell Americans the truth. Corporations and the media tell Americans what to believe, so they can make a profit.

What can we do?

In order to defeat evil, Americans must understand that freedom is an individual journey of spiritual growth to become strong and resilient. This doesn’t mean all will be great, it means that we must become emotionally mature and empowered so we can overcome evil and adversity and lead people out of bondage!

America needs a “spiritual awakening” with centered moral men and women who understand that every human being is born with the inner power to overcome adversity.

Americans can take back their freedom from controlling politicians if they speak up without anger, work to build trust, and help bring people together. Anyone can turn to prayer, without religion. We don’t need religious people preaching to us, we need spiritually centered Americans getting involved and setting an example of moral courage and character to help us build a stronger future. “In God we Trust” can become America’s focus because the truth can set us free.

We have a choice!  Return to our spiritual roots or continue to keep the “big lie” going as we throw money at our problems. The tipping point will be when “we the people” have faith in our loving creator. Americans can discover a powerhouse of inspiration, integrity, wisdom and see a future full of accomplishments. The next generation will tell the story about the direction Americans decide to travel.

Stephanie L. Mann
Stephanie L. Mann
Stephanie Mann co-authored, Alternative to Fear: Guidelines to Safer Neighborhoods,” which helped launch the national “Neighborhood Watch” Program. Within 2 1/2 years, involved residents in her community (17,500 residents) decreased crime 48%, WITHOUT a local police department. Mann worked as a community leader, neighborhood organizer, county coordinator, state consultant and authored, “Safe Homes, Safe Neighborhoods: Stopping Crime Where You Live” (Nolo Press 1993) In 2010, while working in Richmond CA, with “Mother’s Against Senseless Killings,” Mann saw people too scared to be involved or report crimes. She wrote, “The Adopt-A-Block Guidebook,” with an easy-to-follow guide for existing groups and “My first steps to a safe neighborhood” for citizens. These booklets give individuals and groups the tools to reach out and bring people together to help each other. Stephanie started a homeless men’s support group while working with “The Mary Ann Wright Foundation” in Oakland CA. She recognized the need to support children at an early age and wrote, “Street Safe Kids: 10 Step Guide for Teens and Adults” (which has been used in after-school programs) to help youth grow strong from within to develop self-esteem and stay centered. Book available on The Safe Kids Now National website states, “Every child needs a healthy family and neighborhood to stay safe.” In partnership with the CARR Foundation, a binder, “Safe Neighborhoods: Access to a Healthy Community,” was created for city leaders to make neighborhoods safer for families and neighborhoods. Stephanie’s books strengthen families and can decrease the social isolation that fuels bullies, domestic violence, abuse, drugs, gangs, and other destructive behaviors.”

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