Touched By Grace

I begin my day with you, the voice of God, each day. The tones, melodies, and sounds create a resonance through my body, my heart, my soul. Awakening spirit deep within. I weep. Not from sadness, but with joy and reverence. The earth becomes alive and awakened filled with life. Everything appears more vibrant. In motion, I observe the wind, the river, the rocks, and the ants busy with purpose. Something about witnessing these everyday events brings emotions to the surface. Tears run gently down the subtle curves of my cheeks and find their way across my chest. It’s as if tears purify the energy of my heart. The water within me flows like a quiet river moving through boulders, pebbles, and stones eroding away the edges of my inner resistance, softening me over time. Creating an unseen opening allowing the flow of stagnant emotion to leave me with ease and grace. Simply becomes part of the flow of the river. I can no longer distinguish what I once held on to. The pain of the past gone. As if it never existed. My body free. My mind free. My spirit free.

It is in your voice, I hear God. The tones, melodies the sounds reverberating filling the sanctuary. Higher octaves indeed. I feel God’s love radiating into me awakening my soul. It is the sound, the breath, the heart together hold the keys to awakening consciousness waiting to be set free, birthed, and expressed. Always there, like a seed beneath the soil, something planted in me awoke, broke through my inner earth’s crust connecting me to the light of God. It was in your voice, your song, struck me like a tuning fork. I could feel the motion of my body oscillating at such a rate of speed, I could only feel it when I laid down to rest. Something indeed is happening. I am awakened by the sound and showered by God’s grace from the inside out.

Always in motion. If I did not sit still to listen and offer myself time for devotion each moment, I would surely miss the voice of God that is with me each day. I look into your eyes and feel grace, beauty, power, and a firm yet gentle presence. When I look into your eyes, I see God. I feel God. I see my own reflection looking back into the depth of my soul. In a moment of divine alignment, I felt the hand of God’s grace placed upon my shoulder, we became one breath, one heartbeat, one soul, one radiant light that filled the room. Together we bring heaven to earth. Together we light the world.

I Love You,


“It’s in the unity of our hearts we bring heaven to earth as one.”  – Gina Lobito

Gina Lobito
Gina Lobito
I AM Gina Lobito. I offer Bodywork, Coaching & Workshops to support you navigate Ascension and Spiritual Awakening with a focus on Self Mastery. During my 14 ½ year career in Law Enforcement, I witnessed this interesting evolution. New hires would go from excitement and openness to loss of compassion and a hardened exterior. I also witnessed myself do this same transformation. It did not feel good in my body and being. I remember saying to myself, “I do not want to lose compassion for life!” Wow! What a VOW I just made to bring Compassion to the world. Little did I know this VOW activated a spark within my heart, which now I would describe as my SOUL’S calling. I stepped on a Path of Self Mastery. This calling has evolved to support others develop Foundational Skills to navigate their Awakening Process. Every soul will go through an Awakening Process in Divine Time. The experience of the Awakening is unique to each soul and is infinite I now realize opening my HEART and SOUL transformed the way I experience life. Self-Mastery is an infinite continuum of soul evolution, heart-opening, expansion, and awareness you are part of the whole of life. Directly connected to the universe and primordial light. The expansion of the Heart bridges the Mystical and Physical worlds, using the physical body as a conduit to support the ascension of the planet and universe through the Soul’s inner journey of Ascension and Self Mastery. I believe every SOUL has a unique sound and purpose waiting to be cultivated and ignited and expressed. The Age of Transformation and Illumination is NOW. It’s time to experience life from your SOUL and the power of your Higher And collaborate with life more fully. Certifications: Certified Bodyworker, Advanced Crystal Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, Nature Connected Life Coach, and Advanced Student of Self Mastery. Education: Diamond Light School of Massage Healing Arts; San Francisco School of Massage and Bodywork; The Power Path School of Shamanism, Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy; Seven Sacred Flames Wisdom School; Earth Based Institute, and Amanda Ellis’ Angelic Celestial Colors Metatron Healing Level I.; CSU, Fullerton BA in Criminal Justice.

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