The Quality Of Relaxation Determines The Success Of Motivation

Part 3 of 5

Editor’s Note: Follow Bharat’s entire Life Lessons Series HERE

Relaxation is as much a necessity as productivity. One is incomplete and meaningless without the other and that is why they become complementary to each other. Imagine a restless mind given an important task and you already know the resulting disaster.

We all need some rest in our daily lives otherwise we would be working like robots 24/7/365. Since we are NOT robots, the resulting burn-out is a definite given. Even nature has created a system that brings about change at regular intervals. Change in seasons, change in weather patterns, change in day and night, change in our physical attributes since birth and change in our eating habits all point in the direction of our very own need for a break. We do also need a break from monotony, break from school, from work, from unproductive associations and relationships and break from things, environments and people who our conscience does not approve of.

The change that we long for permits us to feel some kind of relaxation. This feeling could be transitory in ways more than one. The fleeting relaxation has a tendency to keep pushing us back into similar situations over and over again. However, relaxation that allows us to leave all stressful ideas, thoughts, feelings and responsibilities behind also empowers us to feel much more refreshed like a blank slate.

Relaxation that helps us wipe off all negatives and induces renewed excitement towards meeting not just obligations but also challenges with different perspectives than that of an obstacle is the exact kind that we need to bring about in our lives as a priority.

How do you do that?

Whenever you have a chance to relax, whether by yourself or with family, make sure you are having as much fun as possible and make everyone around a partner in some sort of creative pursuits like little kids. Try to relive your childhood: free of all worries! More often you do that, more relaxation will start to appear in your work-life.

Never ever let distractions or the mundane problems come and bother you. Learn to empower each person on your team whether it is at work, home or at play. Create a TEAM spirit. Let each player take responsibility for his/her own piece of the puzzle. Do not keep harassing them every time they come short of your expectations. Encourage others to excel so they get a chance to reciprocate. Remember what goes around comes around!

Remember: Failure is never permanent; it is as much transitory as day and night! Great motivators can help turn the tide from utter failure to remarkable success with their relaxed approach free of preset notions.

Find the time to encourage your friends, family, associates, co-workers and/or subordinates as well as all those that matter under given circumstances to do better and at times, make sure that you also interact with them to find any problems that they are facing in discharging their given obligations.

This will bring quality to overall performance of your team while also helping you relax a lot more at the same time. By applying this particular technique you will not just win everybody’s trust but respect as well. It is this process that will bring cohesiveness throughout the TEAM and will help every one achieve more.

Don’t they say T E A M means Together Everybody Achieves More? Some innovators like this one better: Together Everybody Acquires Money? Take your pick!

NEVER STARVE YOURSELF OF MOTIVATION: Once you have made up your mind to achieve excellence, it becomes much more important for you to continuously feed your brain with positive thoughts.

The biggest question is:How do you feed a brain that is already brimming with all the worries, tensions, challenges, shortcomings and frustrations caused by factors beyond your direct control?

Fresh, open mind that has been through the childhood exercise of blank slate is the ideal vessel that can absorb fresh ideas and the impetus to convey the same to others in the most efficient manner while helping to bring out desired result in all its glory.


Bharat Mathur
Bharat Mathur
WHERE goal setting and systematically achieving each one of them has been the ‘Mantra’, where earning trust by delivering value has been an uncompromising principle and where deeply impactful experiences have made an indelible impression to look directly into the eyes of toughest problems and tackling them head-on has been a major cementing glue in the foundation, Bharat Mathur fits the bill, hands down! Creating value for others, out of the challenges his career in the “C” Suite kept throwing at him left, right and center, Bharat now finds solace in being a ‘Guide by Your Side’ rather than a ‘Sage on the Stage with An Eye on What You Buy’! Past 4 decades of Bharat’s life have been no less eventful than that of anyone else in similar circumstances. However, the way he lived from one challenge to another and stayed focused on his goal is clearly visible as much in his Coaching as in his #1 Best Seller Book: “you Are YOU-nique: Realize Your True Worth”! His next book project tackles ‘Internet of things’ (IoT) from the viewpoint of a layman and helps understand this fast-approaching revolution in simple, easy-to-understand language with live examples: “SMART PHONE + I o T = INCOMPARABLE OPPORTUNITIES” Nurturing a number of successful businesses, mentoring a lot more towards astronomical growth and helping them identify and eradicate trouble spots, Bharat has rightfully earned the nickname: ‘Achiever’ Send him Bouquets or Brickbats, Bharat loves it all!

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