The New Science and Taking Life for a Spin around Self

Shaky Science About Nothing

There is a fascinating book, The New Science, which is the memoirs of Wilbert Smith. Smith ran Canada’s UFO investigation program, Project Magnet, in the 1950s. The material was discovered and published after his death in 1962. It’s groundbreaking still, with references to conversations with ‘people from elsewhere.’

I’m not an astrophysicist, but the idea of a ‘nothingness’ like Smith speaks of resembles the notion of the Void… from which all things come, or so we believe. This idea of nothingness is surely not understood because we really don’t have the language to describe it, yet if there are repeating patterns, fractals, in creation perhaps this is one that requires a spin around Self.

The entrance and exit within the door to the void within us, inside the tiny point of light of our soul consciousness, may reflect this same notion on a much smaller scale. We’re sorely lacking in our understanding of physics already, developing equations to account for anomalies instead of seeing the universe as anomaly-free and equating it.

We interpret the light from stars with our existing understanding, which may not be so understanding of the myriad of life forms and their location. We think we have ‘something’ and no longer question its validity, yet Smith notes that ‘people from elsewhere’ have a much different understanding of the nature of creation, and ours is in at least slight error.

Given that spin around self, and the assumption that Smith wasn’t fibbing, our questions for discovery may not have developed enough yet to fully comprehend what those structures we think are black holes really are and how they function. Seeing things at a distance makes it almost impossible to fully grok, imho. What is up close now?

Are you aware that you are aware of your awareness at any given moment? Are you able to observe yourself deeply, question your behaviors, beliefs, and bewilderment by them at times? Do you have moments of reflection that seem to evade the notion of time?

There’s been more than one time I’ve been sucked into some kind of ‘tube’ that feels like a conduit of travel. It began with out-of-body experiences as a youth, then progressed to traveling elsewhere, though I never really knew where. There was a sense of movement, though.

I don’t know if it is inner space, outer space, or a combination. The difference is having my eyes closed as I explored, initially believing it to be my imagination. It would seem that, all things functioning as ONE, the combination is probably true. Experiencers (those explorers of non-human contact), at some point, seem to corroborate such ‘trips,’ although descriptions are slightly different.

I agree that the form doesn’t have much to do with it, and yet consciousness needs to have some form of manifestation for interaction to take place. I was shown as a teen that our point of light (the anchor of life within us) can give access to infinite intelligence. For some time we’ve been experiencing a variety of mechanisms and styles of contact, not to mention various life forms. As this process continues, perhaps we realize we missed the idea of ‘nothing’ that is the foundation of everything.

Pick Up the Phone, Please!

We receive communication in ways we can understand it, for the most part, and it’s usually subjective and unique to the individual; a real spin around Self. I still think there are patterns we’re not seeing yet. Perhaps we weren’t ready to until recently when the spike in awareness or the culmination of the calendars indicating an evolutionary leap is about ready to take place, has us at least looking for something more.

Perhaps there is a primer, an igniter, that unlocks our understanding and increases our ability to manifest appropriately from our nature instead of our intellect and science. The latter will catch up in time. We’ve spent most of our time in destructive testing to figure out the makings of the universe. What about constructive testing, inquiry into the natural state as it is, not what we believe it to be? Many relate that is the first step; to just BE… empty with inquiry.

I’ll use the Urantia Book as a reference that at least offers the notion of considering a plethora of types of beings and responsibilities in universe administration. The book is esoteric, compiled, and presented by an intelligence or collection of intelligences in an effort to share a greater reality. Like everything ‘from elsewhere,’ our tendency is to attempt to fit the data/information into models we’re familiar with.

Neppe and Close, with their Quantum Theory of Everything (Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm), say that consciousness, time, and space are tethered across 9 dimensions. Smith says the ‘people from elsewhere’ relate that the tempic, magnetic and electric fields in the Quadrature Concept span 12 dimensions, all in the spin around Self, a point of observation.

It seems consciousness is capable of experiencing all the above and the bridge between body/mind/spirit/soul is just now appearing. Or perhaps it’s been there all along and we’re just now able to conceive of it, explore it and ruminate without the fear of persecution or rejection. It’s obvious we need to evolve toward something better, something greater, for humanity.

What’s it all mean for us in a practical sense? I’m not sure, though I get the sense ‘we/they’ are trying to get us to understand that from ‘nothing’ everything emerged in perfect order; there is an order to nature and the cosmos we haven’t understood as the natural order, which indicates a natural order in human experience and understanding as well.

We approach it from destructive testing, like CERN, where perhaps an approach from another direction is more appropriate; a simple change in perception that includes consciousness in the equation. I think we’re off to a good start, a silver lining in the Great Reset, perhaps a Great Weset instead, with an uprising in our wise-cracking and scoffing at things we don’t understand.

Coming out of an ‘old’ normal and transforming into a ‘new’ normal might include a deeper check-in. The obsession with self-hygiene and sequestration opened the door to exploring self (our persona) and Self (our Being) in perspective. Ponder your future well in your new spin around Self. Ponder the twist on the pronoun craze going on now and consider these… I Am / We Are.

Zen Benefiel
Zen Benefiel
Zen says his life has been spiced with personal and professional opportunities that came through his nurturing of faith, love, and trust that dreams do come true. What built that faith, love, and trust began as an orphan told of his adoption just after his 4th birthday. The spice continued with experiences that span the gamut of the paranormal and include off-planet engagements over a lifetime. Can you say outlier? With two Master’s degrees and multiple certifications as well as an interesting professional history ( his passion turned to transformational life coaching just after the turn of the century, having become a rather astute cognitive scientist with extraordinary insight and intuition, he transformed Be The Dream (founded in 1988) from the intention of bridging best business and spiritual practices to a reality that has served hundreds. A decade and a half of writing was filled with cathartic wonders. His gifts are useful for Team Partnering as well, facilitating people, places, and things to build mega-structures with pre-construction teambuilding sessions. Divorced with four children, 9 grandkids, and 2 great-grandsons, he remarried after 30 years. Luba is from St. Petersburg, Russia, and their meeting, both agree, was a cosmic conspiracy of destiny, spiritual compatibility, and future vision of a newly ordered world in harmony with natural order. After 47 years of preparation, and stepping into what feels like fulfilling destiny, he recently became the Executive Director of the Live and Let Live Global Peace Movement that is inspiring the world now.

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