The Horse And The Coachman

“The Horse Does the Hard Work, But the Coachman Gets the Tip”

~Author Unknown

Ever since man discovered the importance of his environments to satisfy his needs, animals have been an indispensable segment of living. Our imagination has created value in every individual living body so important that we have never shuddered to draw on them as productivity enhancement agents. The animals, in return, have obligingly acceded to our impulses and wishes because they earned increasing care, concern and better feed. The arrangement has worked well this far and leaves no cause for concern.

Remember the age of the horse-drawn carriages, anyone? In current, hectic living, these very ancient methods of the public carrier have transformed into a tourist attraction in almost every downtown hub of any given city around the wide world. The single stable, through the generations, has been the demand and supply equation. The animal in question satisfies the coach owner’s obligation to earn a livelihood and provide for his household while he gets his personal demand for support met in return. On one side, the need serves as supply chain where the coach owner satisfies the impulses and fantasies of the visitors. He helps them travel back into life and partake of the rich ride in relaxed surroundings. On the opposite, the animal appears as the delivery medium through his power to draw the coach.

The value generated by the expert navigation techniques of the Coachman guides the horse at every corner. It defends the animal against potholes and/or any other challenge/s. The horse cannot resolve on his own where to move and how. The Coachman cannot draw the coach on his very own, without the power of the animal. By consolidating their abilities, and energies they set up a powerful team that includes both the muscle and the mind to match the patrons’ assumptions in delivering anticipated outcomes.

When the moment arrives for reward, the head of the team obtains the recognition of his/her power. The warriors confront the hostility but the officers take the decorations, the stars, and the promotions. Without skillful management, the dedicated soldiers would have become victims of conflict, not conquerors. It is the commandants’ leadership and efficient administration of stocks, logistics, and an essential insight to design fail-proof procedures that save the day!

The Coachman gets the reward because he addresses all the fundamental needs of the animal, furnishes the coach, creates the road map, keeps track of the persistent onset of sweltering sun, wailing winds, torrential downpours, and the raging snow squalls to protect the life of the animal. He puts on the line his individual happiness to take care of the animal through thick and thin. He continues to feed and tend to his horse even during the modest tourist season when not making enough cash. He does not compromise on the horse’s feed just because he did not get enough clients. These traits help set up a two-way relationship of reciprocal confidence, and admiration.

The eternal wisdom preserved in the dictum ‘one hand washes the other’ meets this situation in all its splendor as they both act complimentary to each other’s needs and desires in proper form.

P.S. It would be a celebration for me to get your invaluable observation on the foregoing and/or any other of my columns. The intellectual and discriminating readers assist the authors to produce value through their writing!

Bharat Mathur
Bharat Mathur
WHERE goal setting and systematically achieving each one of them has been the ‘Mantra’, where earning trust by delivering value has been an uncompromising principle and where deeply impactful experiences have made an indelible impression to look directly into the eyes of toughest problems and tackling them head-on has been a major cementing glue in the foundation, Bharat Mathur fits the bill, hands down! Creating value for others, out of the challenges his career in the “C” Suite kept throwing at him left, right and center, Bharat now finds solace in being a ‘Guide by Your Side’ rather than a ‘Sage on the Stage with An Eye on What You Buy’! Past 4 decades of Bharat’s life have been no less eventful than that of anyone else in similar circumstances. However, the way he lived from one challenge to another and stayed focused on his goal is clearly visible as much in his Coaching as in his #1 Best Seller Book: “you Are YOU-nique: Realize Your True Worth”! His next book project tackles ‘Internet of things’ (IoT) from the viewpoint of a layman and helps understand this fast-approaching revolution in simple, easy-to-understand language with live examples: “SMART PHONE + I o T = INCOMPARABLE OPPORTUNITIES” Nurturing a number of successful businesses, mentoring a lot more towards astronomical growth and helping them identify and eradicate trouble spots, Bharat has rightfully earned the nickname: ‘Achiever’ Send him Bouquets or Brickbats, Bharat loves it all!

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