The Greatest Good


“The Greatest Good You Can Do for Another is Not Just to Share Your Riches But to Reveal To Him His Own”

                    –Benjamin Disraeli, 19th Century Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1874 – 1880)

We all love to share our joy, happiness, pride, experiences, achievements and at times our riches too. What we hide from others is our own faults, shortcomings, failures, handicaps, lack of education, manners (or the lack thereof) and far too numerous things to be mentioned.

The above quote gives us ample food for thought. It makes us wonder if we are really doing the right thing in looking for others’ shortcomings and/or failures. Why is it that we find it easier to manage others’ house better than our own? Why can’t we just be happy in encouraging others to improve their own lot? This will help us improve our own into the bargain.

Have you ever looked at a friend or relation in a better financial position than yourself and wondered why it is so hard for this person to share his/her wealth with you? Have you ever asked for, received and/or requested financial help from someone in your life? If yes, with what results? Did the help come with some preconditions, if it came at all? Did the giver set a time-limit on how long you can use it for or when you must return it (never mind the accrued interest)?

Who am I to ask you these penetrating questions that are none of my business? You are absolutely right; it is none of my business. The reason I have posed these questions is to make yourself aware of so many different scenarios that could occur in given circumstances, no matter whether you are the receiver or the giver. Would you lend someone money without a precondition; I don’t think so. Then how could you expect it to be otherwise if the tables were turned.

Looking back at the title of this post you will find the advice contrary to popular belief of capitalism. The very capable author of these deeply meaningful words tells us a different story than simply helping the needy. He is not content to sharing the riches alone. He wants us to actually help the other person realize the hidden treasures within so he too could become rich and not be dependent upon others’ mercy any more. It is exactly the same advice but in different words: “Instead of giving someone a fish to eat once, teach him how to fish so he could eat always”.

Going beyond the immediate, the deeper message we need to identify is that of mentorship. We all have certain talents and a few USPs (Unique Selling Points). If only we could help someone else learn few of our good points and improve his or her own life, we must never be shy of extending help.

It reminds me of another valuable lesson that I learned almost half a century ago: “If you have a Dollar and I have a Dollar and we both exchange, we shall still have only a Dollar each; however I have an idea and you have a different idea and we both exchanged our ideas, we both become richer with 2 ideas each”. I will let you do the math and justify the suggestion. Needless to say, once it hits home, even you might be richer with an additional idea: to reveal to another person his or her own riches hidden within!

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Bharat Mathur
Bharat Mathur
WHERE goal setting and systematically achieving each one of them has been the ‘Mantra’, where earning trust by delivering value has been an uncompromising principle and where deeply impactful experiences have made an indelible impression to look directly into the eyes of toughest problems and tackling them head-on has been a major cementing glue in the foundation, Bharat Mathur fits the bill, hands down! Creating value for others, out of the challenges his career in the “C” Suite kept throwing at him left, right and center, Bharat now finds solace in being a ‘Guide by Your Side’ rather than a ‘Sage on the Stage with An Eye on What You Buy’! Past 4 decades of Bharat’s life have been no less eventful than that of anyone else in similar circumstances. However, the way he lived from one challenge to another and stayed focused on his goal is clearly visible as much in his Coaching as in his #1 Best Seller Book: “you Are YOU-nique: Realize Your True Worth”! His next book project tackles ‘Internet of things’ (IoT) from the viewpoint of a layman and helps understand this fast-approaching revolution in simple, easy-to-understand language with live examples: “SMART PHONE + I o T = INCOMPARABLE OPPORTUNITIES” Nurturing a number of successful businesses, mentoring a lot more towards astronomical growth and helping them identify and eradicate trouble spots, Bharat has rightfully earned the nickname: ‘Achiever’ Send him Bouquets or Brickbats, Bharat loves it all!

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  1. I really appreciate your message, Bharat. Thank you for sharing. I have always gravitated toward the philosophy that if I learn something new and teach it to three others and they teach it to three others, the burden of passing on what we learn is minimal, but look at all the people who have learned from one person. That sounds a lot like your exchange of ideas – make them multiply. We hear of the importance of mentorship. How much better we are if we don’t just hear, but practice teaching each other so we can all benefit.

    • You are so right with your deep-rooted observation, Ms Jane! I can tell you you have developed such a powerful philosophy of life after observing a lot others involved in lip service.

      The profit-driven society has scant regard for value-driven guidance and that’s the unfortunate truth. Until and unless we take it upon ourselves to make the change, we shall be no different from the same ‘Sage on the Stage’ that counts the crowds in tow in terms of money in the bank.

      I believe in respect for all, acknowledging even smallest favours or service, pulling others closers (rather) than and not pushing (away).

      Thank You for your continued support!
      Thanks to Dennis Sir for providing a platform for me to share my feelings!!!