Success Through Surrender

What did you think of when you read the title of this article? Most likely it was, “how can I succeed by giving up? That’s crazy!” Well, it actually depends on what is being surrendered.

Generally speaking, the word surrender means “giving up” as in “I surrender! I’m yours!” Another common connotation of surrender is just “letting go.” The kind of surrender I am talking about here is a powerful way of being. Whether in our businesses or in our other worlds, we can open up to new levels of success and satisfaction. How do we do that? Well, I have discovered over the many years of my career that the need to exert tight control over every aspect of our business, let alone our lives, is the arch-enemy of happiness and abundance. When we have to be in control all the time, all by ourselves, we forfeit, or at least delay success from entering into our lives and our businesses. We become silos of solitude, maintaining the self-isolating choice of being what we consider to be right over being happy.

The best way I know of to gain abundance in our bottom-line success and happiness in our lives, both business and professional, is to surrender control. Control is really an illusion in any event, but I’m not talking about surrendering controlling interest in our companies or doing less than our best at any time. What I am talking about is the need to try to fix major business and personal challenges all by ourselves.

One way to look at this concept is that we can surrender our ‘to-do’ world suffering by lifting that heavy burden of feeling like we are alone or are the only resource we have available. Maybe it’s time to ask for some help Whaaaattt??? Yes, I know sometimes it’s hard. However, it can be a huge relief to surrender our old beliefs, our old realities, our old ideas of the way things are and create the new world we secretly long to embrace.

Successful surrender in this context can be a little messy, like using finger-paints, planting seeds without gloves or shaping cookie dough. We will make mistakes. However, by doing so we get to surrender our old, broken down beliefs, our old world personas and adopt new beliefs that reflect the current reality and a new, real, true persona that is guaranteed to make us exponentially happier. Go ahead, smile along the way, every day … even when cleaning up some metaphoric dirt that spilled from the pot onto the counter.

Another way to succeed through surrender is to offer to help. Surrender to the truth that most of us have a desire to help make this world a better place. Surrender to the fact that what you do and who you are make a positive impact on the betterment of the planet. So, go ahead – surrender to your big purpose in life and put your actions in line with that important pursuit. Here’s to your success through surrender!

Darity Wesley
Darity Wesley
DARITY Wesley is an award-winning author, lawyer, speaker, Death Diva, and Wisdom Sharer. She recently concluded a 35-year legal career and is now focusing full time on publishing books, articles, podcasts, and videos that provide inspiration and support to those seeking personal and professional empowerment and transformation. She has traveled the evolutionary, metaphysical, esoteric, and personal development path for many decades and is a powerful resource for the application of evolving consciousness, which so many on this planet are experiencing at this time. Darity is the author of four books: You Can Transform Your Life and the You Can Transform Your Life ~ Go Deeper workbook, and How To Be the REAL You and the How To Be the REAL You ~ Go Deeper workbook. She is also the featured author in The Word Search Oracle: Yoga for the Brain, and a contributing author to Inspired Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain, Life Wisdom Word Search: Yoga for the Brain, and 27 Flavors of Fulfillment. She also offers private personal, professional, and spiritual consultation. Darity has been providing inspirational messages to subscribers around the world since 2006 and is currently offering a FREE monthly publication called ~Wisdom for the New Reality~. Visit her website to sign up! You can also visit her Tame That Monkey Mind TM website at And follow her on Facebook, Twitter and her YouTube channel @DarityWesley.

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  1. Surrender can be letting something different in. I recall when I was afraid of technology and social media. I had to surrender fear and uncertainty to allow myself to embrace my lack of knowledge and thus willingness to learn about what I did not know. We can be very successful in anything if we first acknowledge the things we need to surrender. So what will you surrender today? Thanks for this deeply provoking subject Darity

  2. Darity, my previous comments are no longer visible. This is an interesting article. Giving up old ways or beliefs is not always prudent or wise. As far as asking for help is concerned when needed that is a very wise thing to fo. By the same token we must also help othsrs. I do understand your explanation as to your use of the word surrender but I still find it troubling and disturbing. We will not necessarily be improving our planet by what we do. The planet in general is something we cannot change.

  3. Interesting! Surrender gives us flexibility, both as an emotional exercise as well as in manoeuvrability. To surrender where necessary does not compromise the outcome of a challenging situation, instead it opens up more channels for enhancement. I am sure a lot more can be written, going into details, but suffice it to say, you have done a great job, Ms Wesley, in bringing out one of the often seen but not much mentioned roadblocks that so many decision-makers face in their career.

    Thanks, with Warm Regards

    • Thank you so much Bharat! I appreciate your thoughts on my article. It is a bit esoteric in that surrender is deeper than just giving up! Thanks for getting it! Hugs, Darity