Saving Health or Economy False Dilemma

There is much discussion about what has been the most useful behavior, along with the pandemic, by various countries. In fact, some have made human being care prevail, with significant damage to the economy, while others have put the foreground on safeguarding the economy to the detriment of public health, in fact sacrificing many human lives.

I think that the problem of lockdown is not related to the conflict between economy and health, but to which economy and to which health the people are entitled.

We have seen that both actually appeal to people’s rights. But the coronavirus has only brought out – in our advanced societies – a widespread situation of profound inequalities that nullify the meaning of this appeal.

The economy that some wanted to protect, invoking the opening of productive and commercial activities, took place already before in a cultural and social context that now makes it inevitable that the weakest people will pay with greater discomfort (if not also their lives) the survival of the production machine. But, also health, which is now being sought to defend by closing in, is ultimately that of the privileged who are not frustrated and exasperated by unemployment and confinement in confined spaces.

If economy and health are in conflict, then, it is not because one of the two is on the side of the dignity of the person, but because, at present, neither is.

And it is not the fault of the coronavirus. It is only bringing out the wounds already existent in the heart of our societies, sharpening them.

The biggest danger, now, is perhaps to believe that the important thing is to forget, together to Covid-19, this “memory refreshment” that it has made to us, forgetting even these wounds and go back to being as we were before.

Aldo Delli Paoli
Aldo Delli Paoli
Aldo is a lawyer and teacher of law & Economic Sciences, "lent" to the finance world. He has worked, in fact, 35 years long for a multinational company of financial service in the auto sector, where he held various roles, until that of CEO. In the corporate field, he has acquired skills and held positions as Credit Manager, Human Resource Manager, Team leader for projects of Acquisition & Merger, branch opening, company restructuring, outplacement, legal compliance, analysis and innovation of organizational processes, business partnerships, relations with Trade Unions and Financial Control Institutions. After leaving the company, he continued as an external member of the Board of Directors e, at the same time, he has gone back practicing law and was a management consultant for various companies. He has been also a columnist for newspapers specializing in labor law, automotive services and work organization. His interests include human behavior in the organizational environment, to the neuroscience, the impact of new technologies, the fate of the planet and people facing poverty or war scenarios. He loves traveling, reading, is passionate about many sports, follows the NBA and practices tennis.

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  1. Dear Aldo Sir, you have raised a very valid question in terms of the prevailing and sometimes over-whelming economic divide between nations.; What comes first Public Health or the Economy? I believe this topic should be on top of all international cooperation federations’ project list, bar none.

    The three categories, namely the developed, the developing, and the unfortunate under-developed countries that include many poor ones, cover all humanity. Of course, the integrity of leadership in each country needs to come up with a strong response that forcefully protects its citizenry first.

    What makes me say that? The answer is simple. How long will the economy sustain itself in the face of massive death scenarios running into millions everywhere? On the contrary, making public health a priority will induce them to work harder to prop up the economy at a breakneck pace.

    It won’t be long before we start forgetting the physical damage inflicted by the current pandemic. The moral fabric, once tattered, may never repair itself.

    Thank You, With Warm Regards, and A Prayer for All

    • Dear Bharat,
      truly grateful for your input and insight. I always am interested to your feedback.
      I think that health and economic development must walk together, imagining development models that are respectful and functional to respect and safeguard the environment in which we live. Much remains to be done on this and must be done.