Reflections in Chaotic Times

I haven’t felt up to writing lately, there is a constant busyness that seems to follow me each day and the next thing I know, it’s a new day.  However, lately, due to the CV-19 Pandemic, my thoughts are of my two adult children whom I have not seen for a long time, and my grandchildren, growing into young teenagers and adults as the years pass.

With the CV-19 affecting mostly the elderly, (and although I don’t consider myself old, at 69) the vulnerable, and those with compromised immune systems, I began to think, perhaps I might hear from my daughter and son. I miss them terribly and wonder how they are doing, if they are well if my grandchildren are well.  I wonder that if I was alone (as I had been on my own up to this past May 2019, when God brought my husband into my life), would I ever hear from them?  Do they ever think of me?

For those of you who have read my bio, you know that I am devout in my Catholic faith.  Nothing, absolutely nothing will deter that from my life.  For those of you who believe in God, and not Catholic, it makes no difference, we are all on the same page in believing in a God who created everything.  With that being said, I daily pray and have conversations with my God, accepting this absence, after so many, many attempts to reach out to both my son and my daughter without any response in return.  But I won’t ever give up either, because God never gave up on me and I know what HE sacrificed for me due to the immense love He has for mankind.

Some may say, “well if God loves mankind so much, why is this or that happening?  The one thing that God gave mankind is “Free Will”. He doesn’t force any of us to love Him or obey Him.  My children are adults now, and they have their own thoughts and reasons.  I know I was a good mom, as is evident with them being as successful as they are, not in jail, not on drugs, working, providing for a family,, and I know that I gave them their faith, which again, the “Free Will” comes into play.  They are successful because of the opportunities that I made sure they had.

This causes me to think beyond myself, of all mothers, grandmothers, fathers, who are left alone to deal with this kind of crisis alone.  I pray that there are few, but I know that is not so.  So if you are blessed to still the above in your life, in your family, be there for them. Love them, help them, and know that at some point, all of us reach an age where we need compassion and love.  If we are blessed to live a long life, I always pray that families will always support each other, and yes, I know there are circumstance’s that prevent families being together, but I ‘d like to think that the majority of the people in this world have the desire and opportunity to appreciate their loved ones.  Family to me is everything, even when they are dysfunctional. Take care of your parents, Honor your Father and Mother. 

Lynn Forrester-Pitocco
Lynn Forrester-Pitocco
LYNN is Retired from Law Enforcement as a Police Officer, with a background in nursing and previously a member of the Search and Rescue Team with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, A retired member of the Orange Police Department, she became the first female SWAT member on an elite team while becoming a member of the Olympic Shooting Team during the early years on the department. A mother and a grandmother, a devout Catholic who currently resides in Houston, Texas. Her hobbies include writing, painting, and a contemplative prayer life. She is in love with her faith, but the love she carries for her two grown children and grandchildren who rest in her heart surpasses everything except her faith in God. Since retirement, Lynn has done private investigation, worked as a gang counselor with middle schools, A member of Bl. Mother Teresa’s Order called the (Lay Missionaries of Charity), she is also a pro-life advocate, often called upon to give testimony and speak to youth groups, as well as adult forums. She has published a children’s book entitled “The Children’s Garden” and is currently working on two additional children’s books. She is currently working on the major one focused on her experience in Law Enforcement entitled “Heels and a Badge”. (copyright). Her paintings and sketches, writings, can be viewed on her Pinterest boards (click on the Pinterest ICON below). Her dream is to one-day write a movie for Hallmark. Dreams do come true … See Lynn’s entire collection of thought-provoking Articles by clicking on her byline. Lynn is a contributing author to the inspiring book Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change.

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    • You are the pure example Paula of loyal and true friendship in a circle of few in my life. ❤️Thank you for taking time to read and respond.

  1. I know how you feel Lynn because I’m going through the similar thing with my daughter.
    Let’s be strong for each other, you know you have me as your friend.
    Let’s pray that one day we will be reunited with our children.

    • Yes, Carrie, and you are always in my heart and prayers. I offer my suffering for yours.

    • Thank you, Jackie, but truly I am at peace because of His great love for me. I know He will touch their hearts someday