100 Tips – Free Yourself

Creating a life you love living often involves freeing yourself of thoughts that make you feel small, feelings of inadequacy, and belongings you no longer need, use, or love. Take steps over time to let go of all of these in a gentle, gradual detoxification process. Trust that a greater purpose, passion, and clarity will emerge in the silence and open spaces. You are meant to shine brightly and joyfully.

Cherish Your World Gift Book of 100 Tips to Enhance Your Home and Life is an easy to read hard back book that you can use as a devotional, a resource throughout the year, an inspiring guide to take those practical and sometimes profound small steps for your home and life. It makes a great housewarming gift, Christmas gift for your neighbors, or a treat for your mom on Mother’s Day. There’s space on each page for you to doodle, write notes, or place a sticky note reminder. The tips are practical, heartfelt, and meaningful. They can inspire you or your loved ones into action. These tips poured out of the author during a challenging and exciting time of transition, growth, and personal transformation. The author passionately helps people thrive and transform their spaces and their lives. All proceeds from this book will be donated to Habitat for Humanity!

Laura Staley
Laura Staleyhttp://www.cherishyourworld.com
The founder of Cherish Your World, Laura Staley passionately helps people thrive by guiding them to a holistic transformation of space, heart, mind, body, and soul. Laura knows that there’s a relationship between the conditions of our homes or workplaces and the quality of our lives. Trained and certified with the Western School of Feng Shui and seasoned by almost two decades of working with a variety of clients, Laura uses her intuition and expertise to empower her clients to produce remarkable results in their lives. Her trifecta of serving people includes speaking, writing, and compassionate listening. As a columnist, Laura writes personal essays focused on self-discovery, feng shui, emotional health, and transformations from the inside out. Laura is the published author of three books: Live Inspired, Let Go Courageously and Live with Love: Transform Your Life with Feng Shui, and the Cherish Your World Gift Book of 100 Tips to Enhance Your Home and Life. Prior to creating her company, Laura worked as a fulltime parent and an assistant professor at Ohio Wesleyan University. She earned a Ph.D. in political science from The Ohio State University. Her joys in life include laughing with loved ones, dancing, reading, meditating, running, being in nature, and listening to music she loves. She resides in Black Mountain, NC with lovable dog, Layla. Laura is a contributing author to the inspiring book Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy

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