A dramatic new payment solution that transfers funds in real time between Banks allows businesses and organizations to get paid almost instantly for only a one-percent (1%) charge per transaction in a safe and secure manner versus the 3-4% charged by some of the most popular credit card processing methods, which takes one (1) to three (3) days to transfer funds from the Buyer to the Seller.
Think about it: If you are an Airline with a frequent flyer customer in front of you whose credit card just got rejected, wouldn’t your customer be thrilled to know that you have an emergency backup payment solution in place that allowed them to pay you in a matter of a few seconds so that they would not miss their flight? And, why risk alienating your valued customer? As only 84% of the adult Public have credit cards, why lose sales 16% of the time in situations where someone doesn’t have more than the cash on hand to pay you?
Unlike credit card transactions, with the new Bank-To-Bank funds transfer, there is a negligible risk for both the Buyer and the Seller of any product or service because the Buyer is not sharing their bank account info with the Seller, and the Seller is only receiving directly-deposited funds. Fraud is eliminated systemically. Compare this with any Credit Card processing transaction where Customers can dispute a transaction after the Seller has delivered their Products or Services which is called a Credit Card Chargeback. Or, the risk all Credit Card users have of having their credit card number stolen or used illegally by a Merchant employee who handled their credit card for a legitimate purpose.
Nearly all of the major Banks in the Country are participating in this new payment solution program which effectively creates a nationwide network of Bank-To-Bank funds transfers in real-time. For the modicum of Buyers whose accounts are with Banks that are not participating, those funds are routed through an automated same-day funds transfer. The point being that anyone who is a Buyer of any product or service and has a Bank checking account is going to be able to purchase those products or services provided that they have the funds to do so. And ensuring the amount of funds in their account to cover the payment is determined in a matter of microseconds on each transaction.
This new program is available to any business or organization except entities whose use is for any illegal activity, does harm to minors, promotes threats or harassment to others, makes fraudulent offers, or whose products impersonate or are forgeries.
The new Bank-To-Bank transfer of funds allows instant payments for funds of up to $500,000 per transaction. The Credit Card companies’ risk departments routinely can delay high-ticket dollar purchases of $10,000 or more for up to a week because those high dollar amounts are automatically going to be reviewed by the Risk Department of the Credit Card Processing company that is underwriting that transaction.
Payment can be made either in the physical location of the business, online, out-in-the-field (mobile) such as pest control and landscaping contractors, or in a vehicle such as placing an order at a Quick-Service Restaurant (QSR). The new payment solution is ideal for Contractors, Automotive and Jewelry industry, Veterinarians, Caterers, Hotels, and businesses deemed to be high risk by Visa/MasterCard such as Travel Related Services, Cannabis Industry, Collections Agencies, Bail Bondsmen, and Casinos. This is also an outstanding opportunity for Wholesalers/Distributors, Manufacturers, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity Firms needing high-ticket funding.
Transactions are simple. The Buyer of whatever product or service the Seller is offering informs the Seller that they are ready to make a purchase. After creating the sale, the Seller provides the buyer a 3-digit numeric security code. Once the Buyer has reviewed the details of their purchase to confirm that it is exactly what they have ordered as well as the purchase amount that the Seller has presented to them, they simply enter in the code into a website or app on whatever device they are using such as their Android or iOS (Apple) phone or desktop or mobile computer. The transaction is complete and is faster than getting cash from an ATM.
The fantastic part of this process is that the Seller never sees any of the Buyer’s banking account information because, unlike credit card processing, the Seller, as well as the Seller’s employees, will never see the Buyer’s payment information. Here is why this is all possible.
The payment provider process is able to use the Buyer’s stored Banking information to determine immediately whether the Buyer has enough funds in their account to cover the amount of the purchase being requested. For this reason, coupled with the fact that both the Buyer and the Seller have themselves both agreed in the two-step process previously described herein that they concur on what product or service is being delivered and the amount of the purchase, the transaction is secure. The bottom line is that this new payment solution increases sales for the Sellers while significantly reducing the cost versus accepting a credit card. And, provides Buyers with the safety of knowing that the Seller never has their Bank information.