My Complicated Life

I have forever chosen a life that is tremendously more complicated than most, to me, it is the depth of the lessons, the pain, and the reminders that bring about the extreme depths of love and joy.

I used to judge myself for my life not being simple, now I feel bad for those that accept that as their calling.

The value of one’s life is only determined by the one that lives it, so why would I choose any differently?

The world we live in is beyond complicated and layered, so how could I fully embrace it if I wasn’t willing to go through the layers.

Everything I am starts with my spiritual connection to “Source”, the higher power of my understanding, and in turn my connection with myself.

So if we look at things I have in mind, my level of mental acceptance of the world around me, my body, my acceptance of my emotions and how they interact with those around me, and soul, my connection with myself, and spirituality to Source.

My daily goal is to live in my soul-center and approach everything in life from that space, so I immediately go into depth and reverse engineer the mind and body around it.

I am not sure if my depth is unique to me, but I can tell you that small talk or interactions that lack depth or purpose, not only bore me but frustrate me. I will walk away or always choose to not be involved and stay to myself.

I live into my impact on humanity daily and I have never felt more rewarded with anything I have ever done, I don’t desire things or objects or people in my life like I used to, I desire to make an impact with every single interaction I have.

I am a solo parent to my 3 kids who are on their own healing journey, I have many companies I have brought together or work within, my father is dying of cancer and I dropped everything to go 1143 miles to take care of him for a month, only to get Covid and have the trip cut short not knowing if I will ever see him again, I am suing my son’s school district, they are coming after me, I work with clients daily as a guide on many levels.

This life might sound complicated but in reality, it is full, I choose where my time and energy go daily and everything is with intent. I could have a simple life, I could live my former life and have all things lined up daily for me, but at what cost and what would I give up to do so.

I would never change a single thing in my life, I would never go back and tell my younger self anything, I love my life, I love my why, I love my impact and most importantly I love all of me without a doubt.

I choose complicated and always will going forward.

Love and light

Michael Padurano
Michael Padurano
My definitive purpose is to Elevate Humanity Through Knowledge and Understanding. I work with individuals and organizations to inspire through action to connect to your impact. Through my deep vulnerability, I inspire others to be their truest soul-connected selves, while I am on my journey to do the same for myself. One of my goals is to use my wisdom, created from the knowledge that I applied to experiences to inspire others to find their own wisdom. As a solo parent, my children and self-care always come first in my life, through my soul’s inspired action I live in my legacy daily.

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