Morning Musings – 90 Days of Inspiration: Day 42

Quiet Contemplation

I had one of those life-altering experiences recently that caused me to realize the depth at which anger, deep wounds, and feelings of unfairness can reside.

After having a few days of troubling dreams that brought some not so good feelings to the surface, it all came to a peak. My head felt like it would explode as I worked towards relieving and shifting the attachments to the past.

I knew I needed to resolve and release whatever was troubling my soul. Moving from intense physical pressure, mental strain and emotional poison took a lot of energy. As I turned my focus towards healing, settling the mind and changing the thoughts coursing through my veins, I went into quiet contemplation.

This enabled me to pause, become more of an observer, and recognize this as a turning point in my life’s journey for strengthening and rejuvenating.

Moving forward in life is achieved by letting go. Holding onto things that no longer have relevance or importance, can be a burden.

In quiet contemplation, the mind settles giving way to process the emotions and feelings attached to experiences that weigh us down. There is a sense of relief, lightness, and renewal of the spirit.

Imagine standing at the ocean’s edge, looking out on the vast horizon, hearing the soft sound of the waves washing in. Feel the saltwater glide over your feet inviting you to just be in the moment with no thought. Close your eyes. Smell the ocean air, ripe with healing energy, surrounding your whole being. There is an uplifting and at the same time a melting into the essence of being. Quiet contemplation….

Taking a time out can have a positive impact on the direction life goes. I believe there are many facets to our experiences, with connections being both in the physical world and in the unseen world. It seems, for me, since this layer of healing has occurred, I have an even deeper sense of peace and self-awareness.

There is an openness not felt before whereby new experiences, unexpected, are occurring. Never doubt the capacity of life to give you meaningful and purposeful understanding.

So, next time you have a need to release, consider quiet contemplation for a positive outcome.

Eileen Bild
Eileen Bild
EILEEN is Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life, Executive Producer of OTELproductions, and talk show host for OTEL TALK. She holds a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology and is a published author, Internationally Syndicated Columnist, contributing author to the inspiring book Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. Eileen and her husband Trevor are a power couple whose foundation is a 360 view of the world through inspiring, uplifting, and empowering others. Maximizing performance, communication, and drive for growth for your highest achievement is what you will experience working with Eileen and Trevor. They are owners and producers for ROKU channels KNOB TV, OTEL TALK, and OTEL MUSIC VIDEOS; and develop channels for professionals and businesses. They collaborate with companies, such as 360° Nation/Dennis Pitocco, musicians, entrepreneurs, and many more. Go from Ordinary to Extraordinary!

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  1. ‘I believe there are many facets to our experiences, with connections being both in the physical world and in the unseen world.’ … this so relatable, Eileen! Our actions and thoughts are conditioned by not just the visible but by the invisible too. For me, meditation helps to control and harmonize the invisible with the visible perceptions. Thank you for the great musing!

    • Rajat,

      Glad you understand what I am saying! Meditation is so important and beneficial. Can help explain so much of what happens in our life that can be beyond our conscious comprehension. And bring about inner peace and calm. You are welcome!

    • Thank you Johnny! I have found this practice to be a great way to re-balance and not let others take away my power/energy. When done on a regular basis it becomes a habit that automatically happens, and enables an easy transition from the heaviness of the negative thinking to a more positive outlook.