If It Is Worth Doing – Do It Right

th-7by Michelle Elyn Hogan, Featured Contributor

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]T[/su_dropcap]HOUGH I STARTED with ACN six years ago, I have been involved with Network Marketing for most of my life, since the 70’s. Over that time, I have worked under numerous Compensation Plans, built Teams, moved on.

But what is the result? Honest? Every day I start over. And that has bugged me. There has to be a better way.

In addition, two years ago, I discovered a statistic about the Industry that I really did not like. Seventy percent of new Network Marketers quit in their first year. Just imagine the time, expense and relationships lost, EVERY SINGLE YEAR???

Think of it. You are in business to walk away from 28 of every 40 hours you put in. If you put in 100 hours, 70 hours of your work is going down the drain. It is the same for any cash you put into it like hand outs and samples, 70% in the trash.

And what about relationships? I know no one who would accept making and losing 7 out of 10 people in their lives, every year. There is no upside to that. Because when you lose one person, it is like you did not do enough to keep that relationship going.

How can anyone work in that kind of environment? Not me.

I had to make it better. I have complete confidence in Network Marketing but it must be done right. A Plan must be standardized so that new Network Marketers have the best chance at success.

We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place–or not to bother.”

          –Jane Goodall

Two years and researching nearly 60 Network Markewting Companies and I had the answers.

[message type=”custom” width=”100%” start_color=”#F0F0F0 ” end_color=”#F0F0F0 ” border=”#BBBBBB” color=”#333333″]1) Training is not the best attribute for most companies. A lot have none and depend on Sponsors to take the responsibility to ensure training is completed, if available. Otherwise, sponsors have Carte Blanche and can provide whatever they wish to get the numbers. The problem with this is that even if you had a great trainer running the Team, duplication fails and so does the Team. Growth stagnates and the Team diminishes. Why stick around if you are not making enough to cover the cost of business?

2) Strategy is key. Any Company who is not paying Bonuses that are Customer-centric, stay away. A healthy Company will not promote team building without Customer Acquisition.

So many are believing that they can get rich quick with online plans. They are all based on finding people to sign up, join your Team. This kind of system is doomed to fail.

When I applied my new strategy to my own Company, I discovered that a medium level position can be attained with 12 rather than 100 people. The change is twofold. You must acquire commitment from new people to become true Team Members, do the training that is given and apply it. Work together to attain individual goals. The goal is to get that new person making money every month by maxing out the commission rate, even if it means that Team Members help acquire those Customers. I call it the Training Period.

In addition, I discovered that a certain third party trainer was responsible for training some of our top executives as far back as 20 years ago. Exposing the new folks to this system is the final step. Minimizing Training Cost is always uppermost. I provide the Training Book free to my personally sponsored Team Members. The benefits far out-weigh the cost.

3) Finally, consider very carefully the product(s) / service(s) being offered by any Company that you are considering working with. What will provide the largest market for you?

Remember, health and cosmetic products have a limited and fickle market. Customer Acquisition will be an ongoing thing. There are options out there where only a handful of Customers need to be maintained to qualify for the top commissions. Things that everyone use all the time and pay for every month no matter what the economy is doing is what you are looking for. It just makes sense. [/message]

For anyone who cares to consider adding this activity to their lives, I am always open to connecting with you, engaging in a discussion and providing whatever information that you need to make a qualified decision.

Michelle Elyn Hogan
Michelle Elyn Hogan
MICHELLE Elyn Hogan has been involved in sales and Marketing for most of her life. Network Marketing became a pastime early in her career when it was evident that her career would never reap a proper pension. So, over time, it has become her Mission to help as many people as she can, create a, “Plan B,” or, “Exit Strategy.” Over recent years, she has done extensive research to improve and reinvent her own business and in the process, maximize success rate and minimize fall off. Ethics and Integrity are all encompassing. She has recently been dubbed a, “Leader of Consequence,” living up to the reputation of taking that responsibility very seriously. Though located in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, Michelle presently works daily in 43 countries as an Independent Business Owner.

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