I Need to Turn Off the Noise

I need to turn off the noise,

Walk from the drama that is everyday life and look for dreams and possibilities.

Let go of the anger and hate, disasters and tragedies that destroy hope, goodness, light, and fulfillment.

I need to find a better way, disregard the anger and bitterness that the world and in particular the press shoves down our throats daily.

I need to seek happiness, rejoice in new beginnings and elevate my consciousness above the bitterness that suffocates anything positive.

I need to let the media die in its swamp of discontent, its hate of anything that causes hope and sewer of destructions.

I need to find happiness in today, lift up His Word in jubilation and anoint those who search for that silver lining.

I need to taste the sweetness of fresh strawberries in cream, the happiness in the birth of a child and the goodness of a bright sun on a windy summer day where children fly kites and lovers walk hand in hand down old dirt roads to a pond where they’ll sit under a great oak and talk about their future.

I need to ignore those who preach negativity and try to convince you that this is how all of America feels because they are sour and full of spite.

I need to turn off the noise and say no to the rambling voices of the minions who spew hate and take from those who work to survive, then steal it for evil purposes.

I need to walk in His light, seek that heartbeat of excitement and turn lemons into lemonade, sin into salvation.

I need to turn off the noise! 

Johnny Johnston
Johnny Johnston
An artist/writer as well as graduate of the University of South Carolina with degrees in journalism/20th Century American Literature, and retired senior executive of several international hotel/resort corporations, Johnny is the product of the south having been raised in the ever-changing transient lifestyle of a Carolina coastal resort. A point where he discovered, within his 300-year-old heritage and the world's dramatic social/cultural shifts during the late '60s to early 80’s an ambitious hunger and overwhelming curiosity to touch, see and become a participant in the virtually unlimited possibilities offered to those who wish for and seek life experiences. A journey which when hearing its details initially makes one a bit skeptical, questioning its validity as it is hard to imagine that incidents such as these may have crossed one man’s lifetime. This is the fodder required to step into zones exposing one's personal inner self, which many of his paintings and the words he writes do, openly. An ability to see and hear the tragic, beautiful, accomplished, exciting journey in a life free of inhibitions allowing others the opportunity to live vicariously and become, through his works, a part of its future. His larger works which have been featured in several Colorado and Fredericksburg Texas galleries and resorts have produced a number of collectors and fans. However, over the years, his paintings are mostly viewed by friends, enthusiastic new artist encountered on the streets or a small number of acquaintances he meets when dining in local cafés with his wife.

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    • Thank you Darlene. I am just so tired of the lies, the hate and the political manipulation by those who demand money be spent on projects that have zero to do with this virus. I’ve grown very tired of political thieves who push and push and push telling us that this is HOW AMERICA THINKS when they absolutely DO NOT! Sorry got on a tangent… Have a beautiful Easter

  1. What a strong and forceful trance in words Johnny! Wow! It is like a lettter to self. And once written, will be done. ( I always remember the movie scene in the De Mille’s version of Ten Commandments… “So it shall be written, so it shall be done”. Interesting is the fact it is said 10 times throughout the movie….one for each commandment….)
    I really enjoyed reading this piece. Thank you so much!
    Happy Easter Sunday too. Paula

    • This is a request for truth, the recognition that some look to undermine positivity and rail against those that seek goodness in a world where evil seems to expand upon the suffering of those who have unfortunately been caught up in the fear. Tomorrow is the new beginning, the light of joy and the sign in hope that the world will be right once again. God Bless you
      my friend.

    • Thank you my friend. It is out of frustration and my tiring of the worlds negativity that causes me to write these words. To much negativity even as our President attempts to heal the worry and repair the damage done by those who propagate fear and demand destruction of the warriors who fight to lift our spirits and elevate our hope. Tomorrow is a fresh start, a new beginning, salvation that we only need request! JJ