Eliminate One Common Practice to Improve Results

We often encounter people who invariably make assumptions and are usually incorrect. Worse is the fact that inaccurate assumptions halt our advancement for business. Irritating a prospective client makes no sense, so it’s best to eliminate one common practice to improve results.

Someone likely made an inaccurate assumption about you at some point. If so, you know it can be very irritating and memorable. Now imagine doing the same to a prospective client; it will likely kill the possibility of a new sale.

Elvis’ song, ‘Walk A Mile In My Shoes,’ comes to mind regarding today’s blog topic.

“Walk a mile in my shoes

 Just walk a mile in my shoes

 Yeah, before you abuse, criticize, and accuse

 Just walk a mile in my shoes….”

My Story

For an initial conversation to be successful, it is, to begin with, an open-ended question such as, ‘What caught your interest to see me today?’ or for an entrepreneur, ‘What motivated you to begin your business?’ Each question will motivate a more profound answer that will likely develop into a conversation worthy of everyone’s time.

  • For salespeople trained to use scripts, the process is a slippery slope. The difficulty mix includes:
  • The lack of authenticity on the salesperson’s end as they use the words of another
  • Not fully listening to the prospective client for asking unique and insightful questions that will provide a more profound meaning
  • Inability to respond to anything off-script in a meaningful way

My sales training enforced that I would be me, unusual in the day. Why and how did that happen? I wasn’t permitted training because, as a woman, management assumed that I would fail anyway. Therefore training would be a wasted expense. To everyone’s astonishment, including mine, sales were a breeze for me because of the following traits:

A. I was myself using my unique vocabulary.

B. My clientele was encouraged to speak first so that I would know how to respond.

C. The conversations were joyful with my prospective clientele.

Asking relatable questions is a practical business development strategy one can utilize well. By doing so, you draw the other person into a conversation. They may be cautious upfront, but once they recognize you are genuine and available to serve them well, the other person relaxes and will provide everything you want to know.

Your Story: Practice to Improve Results

It is possible readers are assuming right now that the advice is not valid and that it’s best to memorize the critical aspects of the script. Should this be the case for you, I suggest trying an A-B Test. Do what’s normal for you, and then test the natural conversation method by beginning with an open-ended question. And then compare the results.

Consider the following:

  1. Are you happy with your results, or do you believe you can do better?

2. Are your conversations boring or free-flowing so everyone can feel positive energy?

3. Do you see a correlation between the higher energy conversations and additional business?

Should your answer be ‘Yes,’ to the last question, you may want to expand upon more free-flowing conversations to stimulate further insight and growth. Now consider the person or company that is your favorite and the possible contributing factors. Our favorites are often due to a natural connection and flow of conversation that eliminates assumptions.

The one consistency for conversations is to uncover:

  • Why the time is free for a meeting
  • Issues that need resolving
  • How you may assist with future planning and new tactical and strategic implementation

The open conversation and being you contribute best to business growth. One essential step to improve results, particularly when you don’t quite understand something, is to ask for further explanation. Others will recognize your honesty and integrity and, most often, will accommodate all of your questions with sound reasons.

In Conclusion:

Upon moving forward in developing relationships with clientele, it’s essential to remember that nothing is static, including people, business, or technology. Change is the one constant. Therefore, assumptions will quickly be out of date and potentially embarrassing. It is best to eliminate the one common practice to improve results.

Elinor Stutz
Elinor Stutz
Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. Against all odds she defied the theme, “women can’t sell” to become the top producer at every company she ever worked all the while ignoring attempts to get her to quit. Faced with an irreparably broken neck, Stutz paid attention to two visions as they appeared before her while on the stretcher. In the moment, she negotiated a full recovery with the promise to be of service to communities at large. As the CEO of Smooth Sale, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.” Stutz is a motivational/inspirational speaker, author, and sales trainer. Stutz’ first book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building that Gets Results is an International Best-Seller. Her second book, HIRED! has helped many secure their desired jobs. The Wish: A 360… mentors readers on how to build influence. 2019 Global Business Insights Award. Marketing-Communication 2019 Top Salesperson Listing. The Smooth Sale blog is rated as a Top Sales Blog. Kred declared Elinor to be A Top 1% Influencer. @RiseBoarders ranks Stutz as a Top Sales Guru. Tenfold lists “Top 65 women Business Influencers”. CEO Magazine Declares “One of the brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”.

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