
Okay, I confess. It may have taken me a while to fully embrace my ability, but I’m a writer. I’ll say that loudly and proudly on this glorious day. And I love every quiet moment I’m afforded to get my ideas and experiences out there.

Writing is cathartic and empowering, and it tickles my inner need to express my creativity. It’s something I never imagined I’d be capable of, let alone good at.

When I took my SATs almost 20 years ago, I scored an 1180. I took the test on two separate occasions and had the exact same outcome: a 700/800 on the mathematics portion and a 480/800 on the critical reading and writing portion. After being accepted into university, I placed into honors calculus and introduction to expository writing. I was sold. I’m a math person. I graduated four-and-half years later with a degree in Finance and a GPA of 3.7. I took the minimum amount of writing classes required. And if I was able to skip them altogether, I’ll bet my GPA would’ve been a 3.9.

But, I’m a writer. Logic, reasoning, and numbers are safe and easy to navigate. 1+1=2. Period. A^2 + B^2 = C^2. Everyday. When something is easy, you tend to do it more frequently and you get better at it. But that statement is still true without the easy part. It doesn’t have to be easy for you to do it more frequently and get better at it.

Things like intuition, imagination, and holistic thought did not come easily for me. There are no formulas or guarantees for correctness. It’s an entirely different concept of learning. It’s about understanding who you are. It’s about accepting that your perception isn’t the only one.

It’s about acknowledging your strengths and your weaknesses. And it’s about beginning to put together what all that means.

I’m a writer. Each piece I compose shares a little bit of my soul. Some parts I’m learning to let go of. Other parts are trying to manifest. I don’t have to be a math person or a writer. I can be both. I am both. It never had to be one way or the other. I learned to write because I did it over and over again. I learned to write when I misused terminology or grammar and was corrected. I learned to write because I accepted my vulnerability.

I didn’t learn this in a university, but I did do it with a talented mentor. And I did it often. I can’t be a knower of all things, but I can be curious and consistent. And now that I’m a writer, I’ve been given the power of sharing my story. A power I will never give up. A power I will take seriously.

That’s education.

JoAnna Baanana
JoAnna Baanana
Mother, Marketer, Writer, and Reader. I’m a mother of two wonderful little humans. I’m also an avid reader, an insatiable learner, and a self-acknowledged survivor. I’m grateful to work at O’Brien Communications Group (OCG) because I’ve learned the self-soothing and restorative craft of writing. I used to resist calling myself a writer because I have a finance degree. I naively thought I needed an English degree to effectively express myself in writing. But now, writer is a title I proudly wear, and writing is something I’ll practice for the rest of my life.

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  1. JoAnna, thank you for writing and for so unselfishly sharing your writing with others. I too am a writer although at present I am not writing. My soul, my life, my faith, my love of music, my family, friends, etc. who helped mold me.

  2. Joanna, you speak these words directly to me, as I feel too that I am a writer. When I would write out the police reports at the end of my shifts, I seldom has then returned from the Watch Commander, and when I would go to court, the words spoke for themselves in the report. Conviction a certainty. You are a gift, with a gift as I know I am too. Whenever I post an article, its written from the heart and the gift God gave to me, and I never worry who will read it or who wont.

  3. Well said and I’m sure resonates with others as it does to me…
    Thank you JoAnna!
    “ It doesn’t have to be easy for you to do it more frequently and get better at it.”
    When it’s from the soul it’s worth writing, the more time you spend here… the better it gets!
    Thank you 🙏🙏🙏

    • Thank you Paula! I appreciate your words. With all that is happening in today’s world we have to be reminded of our human ability. We don’t have to be what we were before. There is always room for growth and change.

    • We are never what we were before… if we are open that is… somethings need repeating…somethings need legislature… this is huge! It’s spreading like a wild fire. We are only experiencing the first wave over here.. the closer it hits home, the more some pay attention .
      I am hopeful but hearing from those on the from the frontline has more impact too… just the magnitude and velocity is beyond most our comprehension …we must pay attention.
      Thank you so much for reading. Stay safe my friend🙏

  4. Multifaceted, multi-talented, multi-dimensional you are, JoAnna! I believe this about most human beings. What a great reveal about the fact that you enjoy math and writing. I was a math major in college-double major in political science and mathematics. I get you completely on this one! Thank you for sharing parts of your soul and learnings with all of us. I appreciate you and your writing.

    • Oh thank you Laura. And I agree. I think most humans share a similar journey – while the trials, preconceptions and despair may have been different, it was also very much the same. We regularly forget our ability to learn and change. Until we accomplish something that makes us feel proud. Then we remember. 🙂

  5. This paragraph alone qualifies you as a writer:

    “I’m a writer. Each piece I compose shares a little bit of my soul. Some parts I’m learning to let go of. Other parts are trying to manifest. I don’t have to be a math person or a writer. I can be both. I am both. It never had to be one way or the other. I learned to write because I did it over and over again. I learned to write when I misused terminology or grammar and was corrected. I learned to write because I accepted my vulnerability.”

    It also qualifies you as an amazing, growing, courageous, intellectually curious human being, determined to live life to the fullest, full of wonder and discovery.

    I’m blessed and grateful to be on your path.

    Thank you.

    • Thank you Mark. And thank you for being the talented mentor mentioned. I wouldn’t have been half as brave to go down this road if I didn’t have your guidance.