Crappy to Happy Series: Dom Brightmon and Catherine Paour

Diane interviews Dom Brightmon and Catherine Paour on this episode of the Crappy to Happy Series. They both share inspirational stories of finding the sunshine amidst the chaos health challenges bring into our lives.

His story of adversity helped him realize his new path was to become a leader and positive thinker.

Dom shares his story about his life-altering experience with his dad’s battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. Dom’s story began sharing his story of a near-death experience with a car accident which helped him shift into a journey of personal development. The adversity tree has many branches that appear in our journey of self-discovery. His story of adversity helped him realize his new path was to become a leader and positive thinker. He realized as he cared for his father that he was in service during World War II and the hardships veterans face for healthcare benefits. He truly brings a smile to your face to listen to Dom’s story to help change your perspective and see the gift in those difficult moments. Dom shares the power of this quote: “Some gifts are wrapped in adversity.” They both agree that we learn lessons through our life experiences.  A support system is essential and finding people that uplift your spirits during difficult times. His powerful story enlightens to find the beauty in our journey to pave the way for us to evolve. They share the power of helping others to aid you in your healing journey and finding your purpose in life.

Catherine shares her journey to finding “hole hearted courage.”

Catherine brings inspiration and hope for those facing health challenges. They both agree it is important to listen to the messages our body sends and tap into our intuition. Diane and Catherine both believe advocating for yourself and finding alternative treatments for yourself are essential in a healing journey. Diane and Catherine both love hearts. Catherine shares her journey to finding “hole hearted courage.” Catherine talks about her open heart surgery and tons of complications that lead her to heart failure. Diane and Catherine both found a way into alternative healing to help support them in their journey. Diane and Catherine both had digestive issues in their journey. Diane explains the link between emotional and physical stress as we experience symptoms. Diane and Catherine both share their stories to shed light on the impact birth trauma and childhood trauma have on our physical and emotional wellbeing. Diane and Catherine share a powerful episode to empower you to advocate on your journey to wellness. You can find your way to heal by listening to your body and advocating for your health.

Diane Vich
Diane Vich
My name is Diane Vich. I am a registered nurse, professor, author, and holistic health coach. I help women explore their inner dreams and desires through mind, body, and soul connection. I use my experiences overcoming chronic illness and disability with alternative therapies, to help my clients overcome trauma, chronic disease, and negative patterns that impact their health, happiness, and dreams. My transformation began when I went through a significant health crisis that took me away from direct patient care in nursing and opened my eyes to the importance of my own health. I adopted holistic healing modalities while facing a debilitating illness and fatigue that required me to take 13 prescription medications each day and have 9 surgeries before the age of 40. Through nutrition, mindfulness, fitness, dance, vocals, hypnosis, and emotional healing, I not only transformed my health but reconnected with my long lost libido. My passion is now to help women create a deep sense of awareness to tackle the root of their pain and symptoms and unveil their intuition, natural healing potential, and feminine power. I now help women connect with their sexual power and heal past trauma through workshops, coaching, books, and novels. I believe that sexual energy is the key to creativity, empowerment, and fulfillment but it is essential to tackle the trauma at the root to unveil a deeper sense of ingenuity and intuition. I currently live in Miami. And in my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and my two children in the outdoors: camping, boating, and bonding with each other and mother nature. I spread knowledge, love, and support for the special needs community through empowerment for parents. Diane is a contributing author to the inspiring book Crappy to Happy: Sacred Stories of Transformational Joy

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