Consciousness Creates

The content of this article may seem challenging to understand or outright ludicrous for the majority of persons who are still clutching the materialist (matter-based) paradigm of the world. However, artists and other creative souls who are attuned to the Source of inspiration will more easily realize its truth. As the title suggests, the purpose of this article is to cogently relate that CONSCIOUSNESS Creates–not humankind (alone). If you’re open to transformational knowledge, please continue reading.

I agree that it appears as though Humankind creates, but that’s only due to ignorance of our essential nature and sleight-of-hand tricks that are being played by our perceptions, which are only modulations of thought. Having been conditioned to identify as the false self (the person) since infancy, we, therefore, believe that we see, hear, taste, touch, smell, and act as separate and independent persons. The fact is that our body-minds are products of Infinite Living Mind. The true Creator, CONSCIOUSNESS, cannot be sensed via the senses because it is beyond the mind. The same can be stated of our true nature; we are formless, limitless, aspects of Awareness. The fabric of this universe is not matter, as is commonly believed. All apparent actions, circumstances, and objects–including our body-minds–are woven from Consciousness. Doubt this can be true?

If you attempt to relate evidence of an event that wasn’t experienced via consciousness, in consciousness, you will always come up empty-handed. Can you?

It is impossible to directly know a supposedly material world beyond our perceptions–namely, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling. Any event that apparently occurs is only known by One Knower, CONSCIOUSNESS. Of the supposedly material world beyond consciousness, (which quantum physicists are still attempting to prove exists), we know nothing. How could we? Matter is only a belief that is rendered by the mind; the truth of this is supported by the most rigorous science. In 1909 at Manchester University, Ernest Rutherford discovered that atoms, which were once believed to be physical building blocks of the universe, are predominately (99.999%) empty space. They are more appropriately described as whirling clouds of energy.

The brain, our body-minds, all objects, and the world itself arise within Consciousness–not the other way around.

Due to the erroneous belief that consciousness is personal (it isn’t), the vast majority of humans believe that they arise in the morning to “reality” and begin their activities. Such persons erroneously mistake the waking state (a clearer and more sharply defined dream state) as the foundation of reality. They are confused but unaware they are confused. To the enlightened, such persons are asleep to their essential nature. Just for the record, the source of consciousness due to biological processes within the brain has never been found…and it never will be. The brain, our body-minds, all objects, and the world itself arise within Consciousness–not the other way around. Through innocent ignorance and the lack of clear discernment, humankind has identified with the creation (the body-mind) and remains unaware of their True Self, which is beyond name and form. We are an aspect of THAT (Consciousness, God) which gives rise to all name and form.

We can directly discover the deeper dimension that is our True Self through the practice of meditation, which is actually a non-doing activity. If we set aside a few minutes each day to still your body and mind, we will soon realize that we, indeed, are the Awareness in which our thoughts, images, feelings, sensations, and perceptions arise; they are not us. All of these appear to our True Self. This explains why the Bible advises us to be still and know that I am God.

One of the easiest ways to understand the creative process is through an analogy that Mike Dooley (noted Law of Attraction author and speaker) shared in one of his recent Notes from the Universe. To read it in full, press here. The information he shared is a fundamental principle of life. We pitch our ideas (via our feeling-imbued habitual thoughts and visualizations) and God hits them out of the park. Contrary to popular belief, “you“–Jane or John–are not the doer. There is One Doer, Consciousness, aka God. A note of caution: Consciousness hits all of our habitual mental pitches out of the park, whether we label them good or bad, favourable or unfavourable. It’s no wonder that we are advised to choose our thoughts wisely. I hope this information will help you understand the following quote attributed to Henry Ford at a deeper level: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Just know that either way, it’s only going to appear that you’re the doer. All you truly do is…think.

Dare to dream (and care for one another).

With heartfelt regards,


Art Russell
Art Russell
Arthur Russell is a retired paramedic of thirty-five years of service and currently lives in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada. An author of both fiction and non-fiction, his previous published works include an e-book entitled Hold That Thought regarding the Law of Attraction and, more recently, a book entitled This Taste of Flesh and Bones about enlightenment and our spiritual nature. Now sixty-three, he wishes to share his knowledge regarding enlightenment to help alleviate human suffering. Proud father to a son and a daughter, he is currently working on his next book. In his spare time, he enjoys travel, adventure, motorcycling, and meeting new people, all of which enrich his life in countless ways.

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  1. Art: Always a pleasure to indulge in your explanations & reveries. I gave up on the concept of an anthropomorphic ‘god’ a long while ago, but it makes perfect sense to me, as addled and old as I am, that this ‘god’ or ‘allah’ or ‘krishna’ that various people revere is simply what you refer to as consciousness. For me, it tends to be more about energy and the vibratory reality of the universe. Same thing, I suppose. So, until we align ourselves with this energy, we’re the fly beating against the window pane to escape, while six inches to its right is an open doorway.

    Keep it coming.


    • Hello Byron,

      Thank you so much for your kind comment, and also for sharing your insights. I think you’re far from either addled or old. With regard to what you’ve shared, I think along very similar lines. The God from my childhood that I imagined in a cloud is (in my experience) God within each and every one of us. I believe that when more of us experience this knowing, our apparent “world” wil be transformed. How could we ever harm “another” that we recognized as Self? We descended from “That,” so me to it only makes sense that we have “Thatness” as the heart of our Being.
      This is my passion and purpose–to share this understanding, and also to help empower people to create abundant lives in every way.
      Keep your writing coming, too! 🙏🙏