Thoughts, imagination, and outside influence. Dreams; or are they dreams?
When experiencing a dream that reflects real life rather than a surreal fantasy, such as flying with swans, at that moment, is it a thought that it’s a dream during a dream? Or is it a reality during a dream?
It is said there is no such thing as coincidence. Is there more to a situation; a happening than ‘that’s a coincidence’?
Looking back at seemingly coincidental events, it is easy to view such ‘connected’ happenings as irrelevant.
Praying to God for a resolution to a problem.
For example, a serious breakdown of harmony in a relationship. A feeling it cannot resolved. The next day the prayers are answered. Is it a coincidence that praying to God resolved the problem? Now this is possibly an example of divine intervention. It may be viewed as la la land by some. Is it a coincidence? An answer will likely never be known.
Divine intervention? Or an extra-dimensional influence. Manipulation via the Universe?
Those who for whatever reason canceled their cruise on the Titanic at the last minute, may have been ‘saved’ for a special mission later in life. Is it a coincidence that they canceled their voyage, to become a strong contributor to society further on in life?
A major-league trauma where a future achievement would not have happened had the trauma not happened—the two being totally linked.
Can Divine intervention be visited via another dimension?
There may be many experiences linked to coincidences that have been overlooked. Then, it just clicks.
A previous memory of a happening becomes a reality.
The brain is highly complex. Receiving and projecting sight, taste, hearing a smell’
Coincidences. It depends upon personal views of not only the normal physical perception but the idea/belief that an outside ‘force’ is involved. Quite a multiple of happenings considering the billions of people on the planet.