Am I Standing In My Own Way?

Dear ones, so often we see you turning away from the wide-open expanse of ease that’s stretching out in front of you and choosing instead to try and push your way through the tiny locked door int the wall that says, “No exit!” You must understand that the way of ease exists for each one of you but you must choose to follow the path of unconditional love and unity if you are to experience this life of ease.

Nothing will be thrust upon you, no power greater than yourself will attempt to manipulate you but you can, most definitely, stand in your way by refusing to see the banquet that’s been prepared for you and instead insist that you must eat the crumbs that fall from the table

It is the Divine’s wish for you that you live in absolute abundance for they understand that nothing is lacking. However, they have also blessed you with free will and this means that you have a choice. Nothing will be thrust upon you, no power greater than yourself will attempt to manipulate you but you can, most definitely, stand in your way by refusing to see the banquet that’s been prepared for you and instead insist that you must eat the crumbs that fall from the table. Free will is a blessing of such magnitude that you’re allowed to make bad choices, poor decisions, hurt yourself and others and blame it all on the Divine. And yes, you can do all this and more without damaging your authentic being, your soul.

You will face the consequences of your actions but you do not have the capability to damage your essence. The you that exists eternally cannot be hurt or harmed so you’re given license to explore, to learn and to grow.

It is the hope of Divine mind that your exploration will lead you into a more intimate relationship with them. That as you grow in courage and strength you will realize that you are safe and loved. They desire that you release fear and all lower vibrational energies because you have discovered that fear is no longer serving you. They have no need to threaten or punish you into obeying. They have no desire for you to obey. They have only a desire that you choose to do that which feels best to you for ultimately that will lead you to the place of unconditional love.

When you stand in the way of the light, while you actively deny that it exists, it becomes impossible for you to see the light that you’ve blocked. However, the light continues to shine whether or not you choose to acknowledge it

When you think, act or believe ideas that are holding you in a place of negativity, you are indeed standing in your own way. You’re actively preventing yourself from seeing and accessing your greatness. In essence, you’re denying who you are and the person you came to be. Not because you have no greatness within you but because you don’t believe that it exists. When you stand in the way of the light, while you actively deny that it exists, it becomes impossible for you to see the light that you’ve blocked. However, the light continues to shine whether or not you choose to acknowledge it. We ask that when you feel your life is one long uphill climb that you stop and look around, look within and ask, “What am I believing and how does it make me feel?” Finally, ask yourself, “If I could have anything what would I choose?”

Allow yourself to be fascinated by your own authenticity, instead of diluting your value by trying to become great by imitating someone else

We desire that you learn to take the limits off. Instead of standing in your own way by looking at all of the reasons whys something cannot happen. Dig down into your center and discover who you are. When you allow yourself to be yourself, what is it that you think? What interests you? What do you like to do? What feels meaningful to you? Inquire within about what you prefer, not what society advocates, but what you feel connected to. Then extend the journey to the self by giving yourself permission to explore those things which intrigue or delight you.

Allow yourself to be fascinated by your own authenticity, instead of diluting your value by trying to become great by imitating someone else.

You already are great. Within each one of you lies greatness, there is no need to go in search of greatness by copying someone else’s actions. When you willingly and honestly reflect on all that you are, you give yourself permission to be magnificent as you signal to those who are watching you, that it’s safe for them to acknowledge their own magnificence.

There is nothing missing in you. There is no lack or absence that’s not already filled. There’s no failure or imperfection

When you stop standing in your own way and you choose to look within and to look objectively at that which you’ve given permission to exist in your own life, you’ll be able to rise. There is nothing missing in you. There is no lack or absence that’s not already filled. There’s no failure or imperfection. There is only the authentic self which is seen as perfect when viewed through the eyes of the Divine. If you see that you’re not enough it will be up to you to adjust your vision. When you refuse to see lack, less than or imperfection, when you stop standing in the way of your magnificence, you will discover who you have always been. Those thoughts, images, and situations which appeared to be so real will give way to the truth of who you really are and the abundance that really exists in your world.

Stop standing in your own way fearing that you’ve got nothing to share or that you can’t compete with others

Instead of standing in the dark pretending that you don’t want to see, it’s time for you to allow the brilliance of your own being to bathe you in light so that you may see and accept the magnificence that is truly you. Stop standing in your own way fearing that you’ve got nothing to share or that you can’t compete with others. Allow the light of your authentic self to come shining through and be your best, knowing there’s more than enough for all. Choose to be your best, most magnificent self.

Marcia Martin
Marcia Martin
Marcia Martin M Ed – The Heart Healer, is a personal empowerment coach, channel, bestselling author, and podcast host on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network who specializes in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life. Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, Angel Heart Healing, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?” Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life. Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at or join the Healing Hearts Community at and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.

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