5D Consciousness: A Guide to Embracing and Sustaining Higher Vibrational Living

Dear ones many of you are asking how to move into the 5D state of consciousness and once there how to maintain that vibrational state. We tell you, the way is clear. It has always been clear and it will always remain clear. The only thing blocking your entry is you. The gift of free will means you determine what you’ll permit and what you’ll oppose. If you desire to enter into the 5D state then you must permit yourself to raise your vibration to gain entry and oppose everything that would prevent this from happening.

Give yourself permission to step out of the place of fear and doubt and then allow yourself to step into the place of certainty and trust

How can you raise your vibration? Through your conscious choice to align with bliss and reject everything that’s not in alignment with that state. You must consciously choose to align the entirety of your being with Divine truth. Divine truth recognizes only love, joy, and peace. Therefore you must move into vibrational harmony with your highest good. The Divine cannot and will not lower their vibration to include you in a lowered state. You must also recognize that what’s best for you is that which is already desired for you by the Divine. Give yourself permission to step out of the place of fear and doubt and then allow yourself to step into the place of certainty and trust. For, it is within this place of certain good that miracles abound.

You cannot pick and choose among yourselves who you will bless and you will curse, you must open your heart to all

The 5D conscious state is not a place you’ll be transported to, it’s a vibrational state of being in which you’ll exist. The longer you hold this state of vibrational beingness the easier it will be for you to remain in it and be an example for others who are still questioning the need to live in this state. As you demonstrate the contentment and bliss you’ve gained from this way of being, others will be encouraged to make their own way into this state. It’s important to remember that all are one. Therefore, as one prospers, all prosper. The more who honor the ideal vibrational state the better existence for everyone. You cannot pick and choose among yourselves who you will bless and you will curse, you must open your heart to all.

Whether it’s self-hatred or hatred toward another the energy of destruction must be released before entry will be permitted

The way into bliss is narrow, it requires that you let go of all of the attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that are limiting, judgmental or negative. The gate to entry bars those who are bent on destruction from crossing its threshold. Whether it’s self-hatred or hatred toward another the energy of destruction must be released before entry will be permitted. All those ways in which you’re criticizing yourself or others are keeping you bound to a lower order of existence. Even though you will remain in the physical body while you’re on earth you must remember that your spirit’s not confined within the physical vessel. To advance you must set yourself free.

No one will be denied entry, regardless of their past misdeeds as long as they have released the darkness of negativity that was keeping them bound to a lower order

Once you allow yourself to let go of all of the heaviness you’ve created by feeling bad about yourself, your world, or someone else you will automatically begin moving to the more ideal state of the fifth dimension. No one will be denied entry, regardless of their past misdeeds as long as they have released the darkness of negativity that was keeping them bound to a lower order. On the other hand, no one who tries to force their way forward will see significant progress or lightning within their energetic field. Free will states that each individual must freely choose to release that which no longer serves them so they may receive their highest good. Force is not free will and free will cannot be forced, it must be chosen.

If you feel a state of contented bliss, congratulations, you’re moving into a state of being that will enable you to remain within the 5D state

To choose successfully, set before yourself the path you are currently on. Assess this path for its intrinsic value. What are you gaining in terms of quality of life, relationships, personal growth, spiritual advancement, revenue, and joy? If you feel a state of contented bliss, congratulations, you’re moving into a state of being that will enable you to remain within the 5D state. If you feel some areas of discomfort simply modify your behavior within those areas until you feel the energy within you flowing freely without restrictions. This means you must correct situations as they arise rather than ignoring them and hoping they’ll resolve themselves. Don’t wait, be quick, and do the inner work before the problem becomes insurmountable.

You are the commander of your energy. You are the creator of your life. It is you who determines what you will allow yourself to tolerate

If you’ve found yourself on a path of dissatisfaction, then it’s time to do the work of discovery. Take each aspect of your life separately and determine your level of satisfaction or contentment. In those areas where there is dissatisfaction, commit to doing the inner work, releasing the negativity, and allowing yourself to align with a higher vibrational state. The greater your overall satisfaction, the greater your alignment with your highest good, and the greater your ability to remain in the continual state of 5D consciousness. You are the commander of your energy. You are the creator of your life. It is you who determines what you will allow yourself to tolerate.

Release the heavy weight of negativity, honor all aspects of yourself, and give yourself permission to feel good

Instead of being complacent and allowing outer circumstances to determine your inner state of peace, be proactive. Release the heavy weight of negativity, honor all aspects of yourself, and give yourself permission to feel good by choosing to exist within the 5D conscious state of love, joy, and peace.

Marcia Martin
Marcia Martinhttps://www.mmhearthealer.com/
Marcia Martin M Ed – The Heart Healer, is a personal empowerment coach, channel, bestselling author, and podcast host on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network who specializes in helping people heal their relationship with themselves. By healing the heart of all past pain and trauma you’ll be able to establish and maintain healthy relationships with yourself and all others so you can live a successful life. Her unique, heart-centered, energetic, healing approach, Angel Heart Healing, enables you to build the perfect relationship with yourself and answer the questions, “Who am I? Why am I here? and Where am I going?” Marcia will help you release your greatest fear so you can achieve your biggest dreams as you heal your heart and transform your life. Schedule your, thirty-minute Angel Heart Healing Breakthrough mini-session at https://www.mmhearthealer.com/coaching or join the Healing Hearts Community at https://www.mmhearthealer.com/community and be supported by Marcia and other like-minded individuals who are committed to personal empowerment.

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